Entries by admin

فيروس كورونا: كيف يجب على الوالدين التعامل مع أطفالهم؟

مع استمرار انتشار فيروس كورونا، المسمى ب COVID-19 ، من المهم جداً من البالغين التواصل مع الأطفال حول الموضوع. تذكر دائماً “يولي الأطفال اهتمامًا وثيقًا لكيفية حديث البالغين عن فيروس كورونا”. من أهم الأشياء التي يجب وضعها في عين الاعتبار أن الأطفال يتطلعون إلى الكبار لفهم العالم. لذلك، سوف يكون الأطفال قلقين إلى حد ما […]

Everything you need to know about Microsoft TEAMS

Microsoft Teams is a hub where all teamwork is concentrated in Office 365. Manage all your team’s chats, meetings, files, and applications in one place. What is Microsoft TEAMS? Microsoft Teams is a business communication platform that brings together the best Office capabilities. Teams is based on chat-based communication and collaboration. What sets Teams apart from their […]

Where to Invest with the Coronavirus Crisis?

  The objective of today’s post is simple, as its title indicates, we are going to see how to make money with the Coronavirus crisis. For all those who have a tendency to be offended, I know that it doesn’t sound good at all to make money out of misfortunes, but the solution to eradicate […]

Cloud Computing: Learn why SMEs should prioritize this technology

Companies are constantly looking for new ways to increase productivity, security and profitability of their operations. In the case of large companies this is a natural way, because there is almost always money and even departments of innovation. In the case of small and medium-sized enterprises, despite having the same importance, this is a more delicate route […]

Revenue vs. Profit

Any business owner needs to know how to maximize their profit and to demonstrate to investors that the company is heading in the right path since revenue can indicate a firm’s potential. The most important difference between revenue and profit is that while any company can increase its revenue, it may well be registering a […]

Inventory Valuation Methods Impact on VAT

Would changing the inventory valuation method from First In First Out (FIFO) to Weighted Average (WA) or vice versa reduce my VAT payments? VAT is computed on the amount paid to purchase or sell an item. So, in case a retailer purchases stock for 1,000 BD from a distributor, the VAT amount would be 50 […]


Advantages of using Accounting Software

Advantages of using Accounting Software Updated accounting data has many advantages for any establishment, and these advantages will be more valuable if you manage it through an accounting software. Through it you will know what happens in your business, reports will be generated automatically and without losing effort or time in them. Accounting software or […]